Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sixth Day in Florence

Our next day in Florence, started with a visit to the famous Uffizi museum, where we were able to see numerous religious focused paintings and statues. Even though we saw many of the same religious themed focused paintings, it was still amazing to see such detailed and beautiful works of art. These paintings and statues also represented the beliefs and culture of Italy, several thousand years ago.

After our museum visit, it was finally shopping time! I felt like I was waiting for this day to come since we arrived to Europe. Therefore, a group of us headed out and began our bargain-filled shopping. Luckily, during our shopping exursion, we came across a parade that was happening near our hotel. There were men throwing flags, individuals holding eagles, and lots of music and dancing. It was great to experience a fun event occurring within the city.

When evening came around, we decided to visit Piazzo Michalengelo, recommended by Dr. Cremer and Professor Davis. Once we arrived to our location, we were greeted by a breath-taking sight in Florence, the sunset. Not only were we able to witness the beautiful sunset, it also felt like we were standing above the entire city of Florence. It looked like heavenly city, which I never wanted to leave from. Unfortunately, since we had a early morning the next day, Gina, Daniela and I headed out to a small restaurant to eat dinner and call it a early night.